Thursday, June 26, 2008

Annoying Pro Shop Employee Playing by the Rules

I spent a long weekend down at the Delaware shore at Bear Trap Dunes. Looking to tune up the golf game, I drove by the range and noticed a few guys out there hitting balls in tee shirts. Well, wearing a Nike tee shirt and shorts, I decided to get out and hit some balls. I placed my clubs next to a stand on the range and walked over to the pro shop. On my way, I noticed the guys in the tee shirts were members of the club.

I walked in the pro shop and ask the lady behind the counter for some driving range tokens. She looked at me with this disgusted face and asks all cocky if I have a collared shirt. “Yes I do”, I replied. “Do you have it with you?”, she asks. Like most people in the world, I carry a collared shirt in my pocket all the time incase I run into someone asking if I have one. Before I could open my mouth to respond, she continues to inform me that she can not sell me any tokens since I have a tee shirt on, “collared shirts are required on the driving range, sir”. Are you kidding me old lady, I felt like saying there are two or three MEMBERS on the range right now in tee shirts hitting golf balls.

Whatever, I left, got a collared shirt on, purchased the tokens and removed the collared shirt as I walked slowly out of the pro shop. If you have a standard, I’m all for following the rules, but don’t single out people while your MEMBERS are out there breaking your own rules.

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